Thursday edition - December 11, 2008




Blagojevich's financial pledge may affect Olympics bid
Chicago Tribune, United States - 12-1--08
Rod Blagojevich's legal problems on Chicago's 2016 Olympics bid could depend on whether a financial pledge he made will be kept. But any overall effect may...


House passes $14 billion auto bailout package
CNN -12-1--08
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House of Representatives handily passed a bill Wednesday night that would provide up to $14 billion in bridge loans to automakers, but Republican opposition cast doubt about the bill's fate in the Senate later this week

Recession to worsen, deflation a risk: report
Reuters - 12-11-08
"Where only last quarter we were worried about inflation, we are now worried about its very rare opposite: deflation," the report said...


"Well, President-elect Barack Obama and his family are gonna spend the holidays in his home state of Hawaii. And you know who couldn't be more thrilled with this? The press, the reporters who follow the president. Well, think about it. After eight years of spending every holiday cutting brush in Crawford, Texas, they get to go to Hawaii!" --Jay Leno




The-World-Will-Be-A-Safer-Place-Without George W. Bush


The wiretaps portray what prosecutors call blatant corruption: Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich scheming to barter Barack Obama's vacant U.S. Senate seat for a Cabinet post, an ambassadorship or high-paying jobs for himself and his wife...."The weakness in the government's case seems to be that Blagojevich schemed to do things but didn't actually do them," Chicago defense attorney John Beal said.





"Barack Obama says he is promising not to smoke cigarettes while in the White House. I don't know. Is that a big issue for the American people? [on screen: a woman in the audience yells 'Yes!']. Really? You care if he smokes? Let me tell you something, okay? If he fixes the economy, he can smoke a bong in the White House." --Jay Leno




Disturbing News


"Shocking news out of Illinois today. Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested on corruption charges, including the allegation that he was selling Barack Obama's vacant senate seat. Now, I personally am surprised Obama even needed a seat. I thought he just levitated." --Stephen Colbert





Texas Messing In Minnesota


The FBI is investigating allegations in two lawsuits accusing a friend and political supporter of Sen. Norm Coleman of attempting to funnel $75,000 to Coleman from the coffers of a Texas company that the friend controls.



Subject: FYI from NJ


Hi Lisa,

I am a person who leaves her radio on 24/7. Over night, I listen to "Coast to Coast" (the old Art Bell Show) and WABC is the only radio station I can seem to get, for that show, on the dial around here. Other than that, I never listen to WABC radio (a huge, 50,000 watt station, covering the vast NYC area) because all of their shows (save CTC) are just vicious hate radio hosts such as Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, et al.

Okay, I THOUGHT it couldn't get any worse - until this morning, when I awoke to their newest addition to their lineup, Joe Freaking Scarborough! They have teamed him up with some broad who carry's his water while he spews to worst hate imaginable! All anti-Obama sneers, and the smug, know-it-all attitude which was just shocking to me - especially at a crisis time in America, when we SHOULD be pulling together - he was doing his best to drive a huge wedge and turn people against the President elect. Oh, and in between, he was defending the Blackwater men who killed several innocent people in Baghdad - saying "That's their job" and the people should have stayed away from Blackwater vehicles - OR ELSE "that's what they get," yada. yada, yada! I threw my slipper at the radio and ran to change the dial!

Thank God for NPR!I guess my thought is, "Why don't these hate-mongers just go away?" It just kills me that they are afforded airtime to spread their lies, and that apparently people in the area are listening to them!

Knowing that you have had your fun with the Scarborough people, I thought I'd share this latest assault on our senses here on the East coast radioland. I also wanted to vent, you know?


Your friend,Sally P

Northern NJ

PS: I don't have cable TV, but I understand Scarborough also has a cable show, but with a smaller audience. God help us all...

Joe Scarborough was our Sarah Palin in 1994 on the Redneck Rivera in NW Florida. Those two are cut out of the same cloth that is thickly woven with opportunism.


Almost fifteen years later Joe has his own show on MSNBC and radio, too.


Methinks Sarah may end up on FoxNews. She'd be more popular than Bill O'Reilly!


Sarah and Joe both appeal to the lowest common denominator, the God and Guns people. Joe is just better at concealing that fact.


Thank you for venting Sally.



Ann Coulter: "Hallelujah" Print is Dead!



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Republican-Shenanigans News

Bailout Plan Includes Pay Raises For Judges



If the $14 billion bailout plan for U.S. automakers passes, it will help more than just Ford, Chrysler and General Motors. Federal judges would get a pay raise, as well.


Ah, for the good old days, when inmates in prison wrote letters asking, “Pardon me, Governor?” Now inmates ask, “Pardon me, didn’t you used to be Governor?”- Laugh Lines


Rock-The-Voter News



"I did not initiate nor authorize anyone, at any time, to promise anything to Gov. Blagojevich on my behalf"- Jesse Jackson Jr telling reporters he is not a target of the federal investigation of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich


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Biz-Tech News


How's this for an economic indicator? I pulled into a parking space at the Dollar store — right between a BMW and a Mercedes.- Zing!





One Hand Washing Another


Financial giants now being bailed out by the government spent millions underwriting the Democratic and Republican conventions last summer, just weeks before coming to Washington begging for multibillion-dollar handouts.

The big donors included AIG, Ford Motor Co., Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Freddie Mac.

Bush-Prison-Torture News



Illegal Cleaning


Every few weeks for nearly four years, the Secret Service screened the IDs of employees for a Maryland cleaning company before they entered the house of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, the nation's top immigration official.

The company's owner says the workers sailed through the checks -- although some of them turned out to be illegal immigrants.

Now, owner James D. Reid finds himself in a predicament that he considers especially confounding. In October, he was fined $22,880

Go-F**k-Yourself News




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Odd News



In the edgy age of cell phones, video game consoles and hip-hop, Czech teens have clung as well to the gentler habits of a bygone era, taking traditional ballroom dancing and etiquette courses. Every year, thousands aged 15-18 attend such courses to learn rituals established at the time of the Austro-Hungarian empire that continued throughout the oppressive years of communism.
Photo/Michal Cizek

