Wednesday edition - September 19, 2007




Larry Craig reports for duty at the US Capitol
USA Today - 9-19-07
Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, has returned to work at the US Capitol for the first time since the "bathroom scandal" broke last month...

Who Watches US Security Firms in Iraq?
The Associated Press - 9-19-07
A Congressional Research Service report published in July said security contractors in Iraq operate under rules issued by the United States, Iraq and international entities such as the United Nations. All have their limitations, however.

US halts civilian convoys in Iraq
CNN International - 9-19-07
The US government has halted civilian ground traffic out of Baghdad's Green Zone after a weekend gun battle between insurgents and private security contractors that Iraqi officials said left eight civilians dead.


I bet the Republicans are real glad OJ  is dominating the news.



"In a new book, Mexico's former president, Vicente Fox, says that President Bush's Spanish is at grade school-level. Fortunately, Bush's feelings weren't hurt, because Fox made the comments in Spanish." --Conan O'Brien




The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News


Unregulated Militia Update


 Iraq's prime minister on Wednesday disputed Blackwater USA's version of a weekend shooting that left at least 11 people dead, and he declared he would not tolerate "the killing of our citizens in cold blood."


By Don Davis




Disturbing News



"Congratulations to Al Gore! Al Gore won an Emmy last night. Actually, you know the secret to his win? This time, they actually counted the votes" --Jay Leno






By Don Davis


Republican Shenanigans

Papa Bush Update


Former President George H.W. Bush backs John McCain's efforts to increase support for the Iraq war in a new video, a telecast that aides to both men say shouldn't be construed as an endorsement of McCain's White House bid.





Rock-The-Voter News


"If you look back over our history, it will not take you long to realize that our people have shed more blood for other people's liberty than any other combination of nations in the history of the world." -- Fred Thompson, stump speech in Iowa, September 6, 2007




Biz-Tech News

Osama bin Laden Update


The Cheshire grandmother who married Osama bin Laden's son is divorcing him over fears they will be murdered.





Bush-Prison-Torture News


Cheney Shoots Down Greenspan


Vice President Dick Cheney wrote in a Wall Street Journal editorial Wednesday that former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan's criticism of President George W. Bush's economic record was "off the mark."

Go-F***-Yourself News




Jena 6 Update


David Bowie has made a $10,000 donation to the Jena Six Legal Defense Fund and is lending his voice to aid the six black teenagers who defenders have said faced overly aggressive prosecution and extended incarceration over their role in an alleged altercation with a white classmate in the small town (population: 3,000) of Jena, Louisiana, last year.



"Today, the director of National Intelligence asked Congress to expand the government's power to read people's e-mails and spy on their phone conversations. The Intelligence Director admitted he got the idea from the New England Patriots." --Conan O'Brien


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Odd News



A view of the crater caused by a meteorite crash in the southern Peruvian town of Carangas, near the border with Bolivia, September 16, 2007. Dozens of people living in a Peruvian town near Lake Titicaca reported vomiting and headaches after they went to look at a crater apparently left by a meteorite that crashed down over the weekend, health officials said on Tuesday. Photo/Miguel Carrasco/La Razon



