Tuesday edition - August 7, 2007






Feingold resolution would censure Bush
USA Today - 8-7-07
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Russ Feingold has introduced resolutions that would censure President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Attorney General Alberto


Iraq power system 'near collapse'
BBC News, UK - 8-7-07
Iraq's national power grid is on the brink of collapse, the country's electricity ministry has warned. Water supplies to Baghdad have also been cut off for days at a time, with summertime pressures on key systems said to be more intense than ever.

Five more ministers quit Iraq's Cabinet
Boston Globe, United States - 8-7-07
BAGHDAD -- Iraq's political crisis deepened yesterday as five more ministers withdrew from Cabinet meetings, delivering a major blow to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's

Censure Bush? Censor would be better.

 “Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said today that he would not use nuclear weapons under any circumstances. … I didn’t realize his battle with Hillary had escalated to this level.”- Jay Leno





The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News



“There’s a big story in Washington, D.C., -- not the war in Iraq, not Alberto Gonzales lying to Congress, not health care. The big story everyone’s talking about -- Hillary Clinton showing a little cleavage. You believe how much – it’s amazing, isn’t it? The United States is 231 year old, but apparently the media is only 13.Let me tell you something -- those are not the boobs in Congress we need to worry about, okay?”  - Jay Leno





Disturbing News

Uh Oh


Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani's teen-age daughter found herself under the harsh media spotlight of national politics on Monday after word circulated that she might support Democrat Barack Obama.





Republican Shenanigans


Rock-The-Voter News







Biz-Tech News






Bush-Prison-Torture News



Go-F***-Yourself News


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Odd News




Panda Lan Zai rests after biting a zoo worker, at a zoo in Lanzhou, northwest China's Gansu province August 5, 2007. The panda at a zoo in northwestern China, unimpressed with the food offered at his new lodgings, erupted with rage and sunk his teeth into a staff member's flesh instead, local media reported Monday.  Photo/China Daily


