TGIF/Weekend edition - June 4-6, 2009




Cap collects some Gulf oil; crude washes into Fla.

GRAND ISLE, La. – Waves of gooey tar balls crashed into the white sands of the Florida Panhandle on Friday as BP engineers adjusted a sophisticated cap over the Gulf oil gusher, trying to collect the crude now fouling four states


Gulf spill workers complaining of flulike symptoms

NEW ORLEANS - For days now, Dr. Damon Dietrich and other physicians have seen patients come through their emergency room at West Jefferson Medical Center with similar symptoms: respiratory problems, headaches and nausea.

New aid ship heads to Gaza, Israel vows to stop it

ISTANBUL - An aid ship trying to break the blockade of Gaza could reach Israel's 20-mile (32-kilometer) exclusion zone by Friday afternoon, an activist said, but Israel's prime minister has vowed the ship will not reach land.



Bad news for Al Gore. Tipper’s divorce attorney called Google to find out how much half of the Internet is worth. - Laugh Lines


The-World-Will-Be-A-Safer-Place-Without Saddam

The Republicans complaining that the Democrats have also impeded bipartisanship is like a wolf pointing out that bunnies have teeth too.
- Will Durst

 Of Course Republicans Aren't Racist


A top adviser to GOP star Sarah Palin was once dispatched by ex-President Richard Nixon to sweep Jews out of government service, newly released tapes show.

Nixon aide Fred Malek's role as what Democrats call a "Jew counter" for the disgraced President




Disturbing News

Is BP's CEO Crazy?


Federal regulators suspect a cleaning fluid may have sicken seven workers last week who were employed to stem the spread of oil in the Gulf, according to health and labor officials.

If true, the cause of the illness contradicts claims by BP's CEO, Tony Hayward , who claimed the illness may be unrelated to the spill and instead could be the symptoms of food poisoning.




Republican-Shenanigans News


The George W. book “Deciderisions” is now in correctorations. The book starts when he’s really drunk and ends when he’d really like to be.- Laugh Lines


Of Course Republicans Aren't Racist


COLUMBIA, S.C. – A South Carolina lawmaker on Thursday called a Republican gubernatorial candidate of Indian descent a "raghead," saying we have one in the White House, we don't need one in the governor's mansion.

Republican state Sen. Jake Knotts later apologized for the slur, saying the remarks about


Rock-The-Voter News

Bill Clinton Has Baby Named After Him


Bill Clinton's redemption is complete. Nearly a year after the former president negotiated the release of two Current TV reporters in North Korea, one of them, Laura Ling, has honored Clinton by naming her new baby after him.



I don't know what's scarier: Rand Paul's views or his hair. Come on man; not even Lyle Lovett wears it like that any more.-
Will Durst




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Biz-Tech News


The weirdest thing about the BP spill is hearing all the Republican cries for government intervention. Hey Alice, how do we get out of this rabbit hole?- Will Durst



Bush-Prison-Torture News

Rush Update


 Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One, the book published Tuesday is already making the news as excerpts show author Zev Chafets’ interviews with the “An Army of One” purporting to reveal his true thoughts about Larry King – and even conservative peers like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck.

“Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are protégés,” writes Chafets, “and [Limbaugh] has defended Glenn Beck,” but Limbaugh “doesn’t really consider them, or anyone else, in his league.”



Go-F**k-Yourself News

Of Course Republican Idaho Kids Aren't Racist


...Whoolery and his wife couldn't believe it when their second and third graders got off the bus last week and told them what other students were saying.
"They were chanting on the bus, 'Assassinate Obama. Assassinate Obama.'





The Brooklyn Bridge is about to undergo a $500 million renovation. Well, that should make it easier to sell.- Laugh Lines





Medical Update


Offline Donation - Lisa Casey - PO Box 88 - Ashford, AL 36312


Lisa Casey
Apartado Postal 79
Santa Cruz, Guanacaste 5150
Costa Rica


 Email me


Odd News

To Help You Deflate Photo



Simone Arrigoni of Italy attempts to set an apnea diving record, while being pushed by two dolphins, in Torvaianica near Rome May 27, 2010. Arrigoni completed 12 loops in 1 minute and 42 seconds to set the record.
Photo/Tony Gentile





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