Tuesday edition - May 8, 2007




Pentagon Tells 35000: Prepare to Deploy
Military.com - 5-8-07
The Pentagon has notified more than 35,000 Army soldiers to be prepared to deploy to Iraq beginning this fall, a move that would allow commanders to maintain the ongoing buildup of troops through the end of the year if needed.


Cheney To Tour Mideast, Seek Stability In Iraq
cbs4denver.com, CO - 5-8-07
WASHINGTON Vice President Dick Cheney is reaching out to moderate Arab leaders for help in bringing stability to Iraq, a mission that will include pleas for postwar support for minority party Sunnis. Cheney departs Tuesday on a weeklong mission ...

Scandal may jeopardize World Bank funds
MSNBC - 5-8-07 - 

The leadership crisis engulfing the World Bank began with talk of favoritism ...


"And how embarrassing is this? 'Time' magazine released its list of the 100 most influential people in the world. President Bush is not on the list. Isn't that amazing? However, supermodel Kate Moss is! And here's the scary part -- Kate Moss actually has a better plan for getting us out of Iraq." - Jay leno




The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News


At Long Last, Condoleezza Rice Has First Diplomatic Success!


Laura Bush acknowledged she and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had tag-teamed Bush to coax him into white tie for the White House's most formal dinner of his presidency.

"Dr. Rice and I took it upon ourselves to talk him into it, because we thought if we were ever going to have a white-tie event, this would be the one," Mrs. Bush told reporters.



North Korean general cracks George W. Bush joke - AP






By Don Davis






Disturbing News


Another Mission Still Unaccomplished


More than 20 months after Hurricane Katrina, many communities in Mississippi and Louisiana are still haggling with the Federal Emergency Management Agency over how much money the government will reimburse them for debris removal and infrastructure repairs.


Bush is putting Greensburg, Kansas on his "To Do" list right after the Gulf Coast. - Grant Gerver, www.seriouskidding.com





Republican Shenanigans


"Actually, my favorite part of the [GOP debate last week] was when Chris Matthews asked, 'Who does not believe in evolution?' And Sam Brownback, Mike Huckabee and Tom Tancredo all raised their paw." - Jay Leno


Monica Given Limited Immunity


The Justice Department cleared the way yesterday for a limited immunity deal between House investigators and Monica M. Goodling, a former top Justice aide who has refused to answer questions about her role in last year's firing of eight U.S. attorneys.



"Why don't you go chase down some squirrels."
Peter McMahon, husband of Deputy White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino, to a U.S. Park Police officer after receiving a $25 ticket for not keeping the family dog on a leash in a public park



Funny Yet Accurate 32 Second Summary of Republican Debate You Tube





Rock-The-Voter News

In Case You Don't Have Enough to Worry About


The air traffic controllers who were exposed to that carbon monoxide now want a criminal investigation into why they weren't allowed to leave their control center, even though they were dizzy and disoriented -- and trying to direct hundreds of planes.



"You can pay an escort to come to your home, get naked, and get a massage, and you haven't broken any laws, assuming you stay on your stomach." - Montgomery Blair Sibley, defense lawyer for Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the alleged D.C. Madam






Bush 101


There could be a brand of Bush 101 taught in business schools soon if James Hoopes, the Murata Professor of Ethics in Business at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass., gets his way. Just last week, he landed a publisher for Hail to the CEO: The Failure of George W. Bush and the Cult of Moral Leadership. His premise: President Bush, a Harvard University M.B.A. grad, is proof that business schools focus more on leadership than on management.



Biz-Tech News



Florida Rejects Jeb Bush



The Senate sent a bill to the governor Thursday naming university buildings and facilities after supporters, with one notable naming proposal conspicuously absent.

Earlier in the week, the House dropped its plan to name the University of Florida's College of Education after Jeb Bush


Bush-Prison-Torture News


George is an oilman, Condi had a Chevron tanker named after her because she sat on their board for ten years, and our VP is a military industrialist. We wonder why gas costs a fortune and we are at war? At least when Jimmy Carter was president, we could all afford peanuts. - DemocraticUnderground


Go-F***-Yourself News

1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it "George W. Bush"

3. Send it to the trash.

4. Empty the trash.

5. Your PC will ask you, "Do you really want to get
rid of "George W. Bush?"

6. Firmly Click "Yes."

7. Feel better.

PS: Next week we'll do Dick Cheney.





"This is going to be great. Not for her, but for the rest of us it's going to be great. Up until this point, wearing underwear was Paris' idea of confinement." - Jimmy Kimmel on Paris Hilton going to jail


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Odd News


This artist's illustration provided by NASA shows what the brightest supernova ever recorded, known as SN 2006gy, may have looked like when it exploded. The star 'is a special kind of supernova that has never been seen before,' the discovery team leader Nathan Smith of the University of California at Berkeley told The Associated Press. 'It blew the core of the star apart, blew it into smithereens, sending all those heavy metals into space' at a speed of about 9.3 million miles per hour, Smith said. And it has been shining at levels brighter than other supernovae for several months, Smith said. The discovery was first made last September by a graduate student in Texas.Photo/NASA, Chandra X-Ray Center, M.Weiss



