May 13,  2004  Thursday


The Pro-War Press Breaks With Bush

By Jefferson Morley Staff Writer
Thursday, May 13, 2004; 7:42 AM

In the ranks of journalism, they were the coalition of the willing: the newspapers that supported President Bush's decision to invade Iraq in March 2003...."Rumsfeld will have to go," declares an editorial in the Australian, the national daily founded in 1964 by an aspiring young businessman named Rupert Murdoch...


Rumsfeld Flies Into Eye of Iraqi Storm, Sees Jail
Reuters - 5-13-04
ABU GHRAIB, Iraq (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld flew into the eye of the Iraqi storm on Thursday and denied his surprise visit was a publicity ...

First lady, first sign on Rumsfeld? 

 CNN - 5-13-04

US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is likely to resign -- and soon (meaning, before the ... Rather, the tell-tale sign came when first lady Laura Bush spoke ...

This "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" Biblical advice has never worked. Just look at Israel.

"I've stopped reading the newspapers," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told US troops in Iraq on Thursday. The troops in Baghdad applauded and hooted.

So RUMSTUD is encouraging our troops not to be informed about what is going on in the world. How Bushesque...just keep 'em stupid.

"Rather than working hard to create a Constitution for Iraq, why don't we just give them ours?  We're not using it." Mark McKee as seen on Eric Alterman’s MSNBC blog.


Inspirational Quotations from Tom Delay

"I'm sure that our committees are going to be asking the right questions… But a full-fledged congressional investigation -- that's like saying we need an investigation every time there's police brutality on the street."
Tom Delay 

"I am willing to have a debate that electing Senators by the popular vote has had a very real negative impact on this country." Tom DeLay – Texas Republican Congressman

“You know, if you look at -- if you, really, if you look at these pictures, I mean, I don't know if it's just me, but it looks just like anything you'd see Madonna, or Britney Spears do on stage.  Maybe I'm -- yeah.  And get an NEA grant for something like this.  I mean, this is something that you can see on stage at Lincoln Center from an NEA grant, maybe on Sex in the City -- the movie.  I mean, I don't -- it's just me.”  --Rush Limbaugh who is obviously still on OxyContin

Disturbing News

"Israeli President Ariel Sharon has canceled his visit to the United states to meet with President Bush. That's when you know that the situation in the Middle east is bad -- when the Israelis are worried that being seen with us is going to hurt their relations with the Arabs."  Jay Leno


So can we call it a QUAGMIRE now?

"We're on a mission from God" - Osama Bin Laden
"We're on a mission from God" - Dubya Bush
"We're on a mission from God" - The Blues Brothers

At least Saddam was only in it for the money.

In the end, Religion will kill us all.

H.E.R.B. - Had Enough Religious Bull

Those that use God to explain their actions are "tetched in the head." See below:

Florida anti-abortion activist gets 18 years for molesting teen
By Associated Press
Thursday, May 13, 2004

MILTON, Fla. - An activist with ties to anti-abortion violence again insisted he was innocent of molesting a 15-year-old girl as a judge sentenced him Wednesday to more than 18 years in state prison...

This pedophile anti-abortionist was closely involved with those that murdered abortion doctors and their escorts in the Navy town of Pensacola, Florida.

Email from Editerette

Subject: My friend Ruth saw Mike Moore's new film, Fahrenheit 9/11 & writes the following

Dear Friends:

Last night I had the privilege of seeing Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 before it and its filmmakers march off to the Cannes Film Festival for what I think will be its triumphant world premiere, and I was so moved and emboldened by the experience of watching it, that I wanted to write all of you and share my excitement.

Because it is passionate without being haughty or condescending, informative without seeming arrogant, the film reaches across the great cultural divide that is destroying our country and positions us - all of us - Democrats and Republicans, urbanites and middle-Americans - against our common enemy-not each other, finally!- but our corrupt, selfish, hateful, unelected government. If you're in my address book, most likely, you will see this movie anyway in the next few months, despite the efforts of the Walt Disney Company (Jim Czarnecki, one of the producers, told me that a new distribution deal is in the works.), but, I believe, it must go beyond us, the few, the converted, and more importantly, it can.

The sincerity of Michael's concern for real people, working people, struggling Americans trying to make ends meet, permeates the film, and it is they, not pundits, who carry his message to the audience. His rallying cry to become active and informed citizens inspired me to send this email. I feel that the film had given me my marching orders, and, I think, it will do the same for others. So, at the risk of seeming too 60's evangelical, I encourage you to reach outside our cultural and political enclaves and embrace other Americans, with whom you may not share the same tastes, and take them to see this movie. Until then, spread the word.


Good News

Republican Shenanigans

"President Bush invited the world champion New England Patriots to the White House for the second time on Monday. Here is the interesting point: at this point actually the Patriots might have a better chance of being back in the White House next year than Bush."  Jay Leno

Biz/Tech News

POSSIBLY THE VERY BEST "Which came first the Chicken or the egg" JOKE

A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is leaning
against the headboard smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on
its face. The egg, looking a bit pissed off, grabs the sheet and rolls
over and says, "Well, I guess we finally answered THAT question!"



ChickenNecked Geek

President cutting funds to literacy project

Barbara Bush's foundation backed program

Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau

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AllHatNoCattle, Inc.

PO Box 5237

Navarre, FL 32566

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Subject: Re: He ain't heavy...he's my brother.

As long as I can remember, I was taught we Americans were different in no small part because we at least tried to be compassionate and humane and to spread freedom. How ironic, then, that we now stand on the world stage exposed and reviled... not because anyone is so blind as to think America has never wronged in the past, but because we now seem so willing to ignore mans' inhumanity to man, to destroy decades of nurturing goodwill and diplomacy around the world. Mark my words, our children, grandchildren (and likely beyond) will reap the fruits seeded by this war. Because of that horrendous day in September, and the subsequent realization of the depth of hatred of those who would resort to terrorism, quite a few Americans have been willing to accept almost any cost to try to recapture life as it was before 9-11. Heaven knows, we would all love to be back in that more innocent time when we hardly glanced u p, except to perhaps decide what animal or object we imagined a cloud resembled. But in the process we can not, must not, let ourselves become what we abhor. If so, the terrorists truly win because we then become exactly what we most fear will destroy us.

Bruce K. McQueary

I am still trying to find the compassion in conservatives. It seems to be as elusive as those darn WMDs.

I was pleased when John McCain walked out when Sen. Inhofe spewed his venom . If any Senator knows about torture, it is Senator McCain.

Thanks for writing.

 "Cheney underwent a stress test today. The doctor showed him the latest poll numbers." Jay Leno

John Kerry News

Odd News


 A photomontage of the Stonecutters Bridge, the world longest cable-stay bridge measuring 1,596 meters, to be built in Hong Kong. The HK$2.76-billion (US$353.84 million) bridge building project contract was signed May 11, 2004 between the Hong Kong government and contractor Maeda-Hitachi-Yokogawa-Hsin Chong Joint Venture, an international consortium. The bridge and related highways will provide direct access to container terminals, which will further enhance Hong Kong as an important international logistics and transportation hub. (Government Information Services Handout)
