Tuesday edition - March 6, 2007






Jury finds ex-Cheney aide guilty in CIA leak case
Reuters.uk, UK - 3-6-07
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former vice presidential aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby was found guilty on Tuesday of four counts of lying, perjury and obstructing ...


Bush: US, Iraqi Forces Making Progress
ABC News - 3-6-07
WASHINGTON — President Bush said Tuesday that US and Iraqi forces are making important progress in a security crackdown in Baghdad but ...

Legal rights for Guantánamo
Louisville Courier-Journal - 3-6-07
In 2004, the Supreme Court held that the protections of habeas corpus extend to detainees at Guantánamo Bay, who may rely on them to challenge the lawfulness of their indefinite detentions.


When do you think Bush will pardon Libby, before or after he enters prison?


Post Your Comment here



Bush Reacts To Libby Guilty Verdict


¯ Just another day in the neighborhood...¯



George Bush can't have any more visitors until he finishes his homework. He can't see you now, he's losing a war to Arab teenagers. - Bill Maher






The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News


Bush To Protect Eastern Europe From Iran and North Korea


Russia's bomber force would have no trouble destroying planned US missile defense sites in Europe, its head said Monday as the country's security council warned of new policies to counter NATO...The Kremlin has fiercely protested US plans to install an anti-missile system in Poland and the Czech Republic. Washington insists it would not be aimed at Russia but designed to counter attacks from countries such as Iran and North Korea.



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Constructive Anarchy: The BlogFreedom of Speech: Use it or lose it. Bear witness. Tell somebody. And have some *!#? fun.





The SURGE is working...........in REVERSE!  - Grant "Brad" Gerver, www.seriouskidding.com


Disturbing News



Unapologetic Ann


Republicans Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani denounced the remarks... "Apparently our top three Republican nominees aren't that smart," [Ann] Coulter said. "And by the way, if they're going to start apologizing for everything I say, they better keep that statement handy cause there's going to be a lot more in the next year."



Coulter insists she meant to say "maggot."  - Grant "Brad" Gerver, www.seriouskidding.com





"I'm happy to learn that after I speak you're going to hear from Ann Coulter. That's a good thing. I think it's important to get the views of moderates." --Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, right before Coulter called Edwards a "faggot"


Subject: Coulter comment


hi, Lisa,
after Ann Coulter's latest bout with diarrhea of the
mouth regarding John Edwards, it dawned on me why the
right wing like her so much. she makes the rest of
them look almost human by comparison. ;-)

take care,
Murfreesboro, TN


If she had kids, the authorities would probably take them away because of verbal abuse and public threats of bodily injury. ;-)



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Republican Shenanigans





By Don Davis



"We don't all agree on everything. I don't agree with myself on everything." --Rudy Giuliani, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference


Rock-The-Voter News


Vice President Cheney has a blood clot in his calf. Doctors are confident his mean-spiritedness will dissolve it. - Grant "Brad" Gerver, www.seriouskidding.com



Biz-Tech News


Newt Blames The Victims of Katrina



(Newt Gingrich, speaking at CPAC) blamed the residents of New Orleans' 9th Ward for a "failure of citizenship," by being "so uneducated and so unprepared, they literally couldn't get out of the way of a hurricane."


Bush-Prison-Torture News

Republican Senator Utters the I-Word


"The president says, 'I don't care.' He's not accountable anymore," Hagel says, measuring his words by the syllable and his syllables almost by the letter. "He's not accountable anymore, which isn't totally true. You can impeach him, and before this is over, you might see calls for his impeachment. I don't know. It depends how this goes."






Go-F***-Yourself News



Subject: Pharmacy suggestions for Dick Cheney


this is a pharmacy website and is a bit medically oriented, so, this
may only be funny to those of us in the field, but, we laughed ourselves
silly over this


Thanks for the laughs, heaven knows we all need it.





Elgin Federal prison in Northwest Florida is lovely this time of year.



Global warming isn't real, cigarettes don't cause cancer, and the world is flat. - Zing!



I hope you had a good time today.




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U.S. Mail

Lisa Casey

PO Box 88

Ashford, AL 36312


Thank you.



Odd News



A keeper holds an artificial tail fluke attached to female bottlenose dolphin 'Fuji', estimated to be 37-years-old, at Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Motobu town on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa February 14, 2007. Fuji's handlers say the fake tail may have saved her life as she had put on dangerous amounts of weight from being inactive after she lost her tail. (Photo/Issei Kato)



Peace. Please.