Wednesday edition - March 12, 2008




House unable to override Bush's veto of waterboarding ban
Los Angeles Times - 3-12-08
WASHINGTON -- House Democrats failed Tuesday to override President Bush's veto of a ban on waterboarding...


Mideast Commander Retires After Rankling Bosses
New York Times - 3-12-08
WASHINGTON - Adm. William J. Fallon, the commander of American forces in the Middle East whose outspoken public statements on Iran and other issues had seemed to put him at odds with the Bush administration, is retiring early...

Judge Likely to Compel Cheney Testimony
The Associated Press - 3-12-08
DENVER (AP) - A federal magistrate indicated Tuesday he will order Vice President Dick Cheney to give sworn testimony in a lawsuit by a man who claims he was wrongly arrested after approaching Cheney. Magistrate Judge Craig B. Shaffer did not issue an


Taking impeachment off the table has led to legalizing torture. Democrats in action.



"Here's what happened, it was one of those sting deals. And they caught Eliot Spitzer, Gov. Spitzer, with a wire, recording him soliciting a prostitute. And I'm thinking, 'Holy cow, we can't get Bin Laden, but we got Spitzer. We got Sptizer.'" --David Letterman




The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News

NO U.N. Inspections! We're America After All!


The U.N. investigator on torture said on Tuesday the United States had denied his request to visit U.S.-run jails in Iraq and insisted a visit could help clear its legacy of the prison abuse scandal in Abu Ghraib.




Disturbing News

Natural Born Citizen?


John McCain has been called an American hero. But is he a natural born citizen?

A federal judge in California has been asked to determine if the Republican presidential candidate, who was born in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936, meets the legal test to qualify for the nation's highest office.

The Constitution requires that only "natural born" citizens hold the presidency, a term on which the Founding Fathers did not elaborate.


"You know they said on the news today, neither Barack nor Hillary can win the nomination outright. You know, because it's so close. So Hillary's kind of caught between Barack and a hard place." --Jay Leno





Republican Shenanigans News


Larry Craig - The Gift That Keeps Giving


In a bid to get U.S. Sen. Larry Craig's disorderly conduct conviction overturned, defense lawyers filed a brief taking issue with the prosecution's "exaggerating flourishes," including the use of term "prehensile stare" to describe the senator's gaze in the men's room at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.








"The big, the new scandal breaking here in New York, Eliot Spitzer apparently involved in some kind of prostitution activities -- you know what that means?: Hookers. And right now, Spitzer is huddling with his advisers to develop a drinking problem." --David Letterman





Rock-The-Voter News




"Did you happen to see the press conference, very dramatic. Eliot Spitzer was there, he had yellow crime scene tape draped around his pants, it was crazy." --David Letterman


Biz/Tech News



"Technically, neither of them can win. It shows you how bad it's gotten for the Democrats. Forget winning the general election, they can't even win their own election." --Jay Leno


Boeing Update


Boeing took off the gloves Tuesday against one of its best and oldest customers -- the United States Air Force...Meanwhile, The Associated Press reported Tuesday that aides to Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, lobbied last year on behalf of EADS. And Bloomberg News reported that the Loeffler Group, led by Tom Loeffler, now co-chairman of McCain's campaign, received $220,000 from EADS in 2007, according to congressional lobbying records.




Bush-Prison-Torture News


"They're talking about a re-vote primary where people would mail in their ballots. That's a great idea, combine the reliability of the people in Florida who count the ballots with the efficiency of the Post Office. What could go wrong there?" --Jay Leno





Go-F**k-Yourself News


"Tonight, Hillary Clinton says the states she's won are bigger than Obama's. I say it's not the size that counts but whether it's shaped like Florida." --Stephen Colbert



Subject: To stay online



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Big hug, Cindy. At the time of writing this e-mail, I have received $250 in donations! 3 more days like this and I'll be over the top!

Thank you all so much.



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Odd News





Stormy seas hit coastal sea defenses and a lighthouse at Seaford in Sussex in southern England March 10, 2008. A storm rushing in from the Atlantic lashed the south west on Monday as high winds and tides brought the risk of coastal flooding.
Photo/Toby Melville

