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Monday edition - December 31, 2007




2007 Deadliest for US Troops in Iraq
The Associated Press - 12-31-07
BAGHDAD (AP) - The second half of 2007 saw violence drop dramatically in Iraq, but the progress came at a high price: The year was the deadliest for the US military since the 2003 invasion, with 899 troops killed.

Iraq Attacks Fall 60 Percent, Petraeus Says
New York Times - 12-31-07
BAGHDAD - The top American military commander in Iraq said Saturday that violent attacks in the country had fallen by 60 percent since June, but cautioned that security gains were “tenuous” and “fragile,” requiring

Hillary questions Pakistani Govt's version
Hindu, India - 12-31-07
New York (PTI): US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has questioned Pakistani government's contention that the al-Qaeda masterminded the suicide attack


Happy New Year All Hat No Cattlers! Good riddance to 2007.



The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News

Tourism - A Dead Issue In Iraq


Despite a drop in violence across Iraq, there is still no place in the country that is safe from attack by extremists, the US military warned on Sunday.







Disturbing News



My picks for the biggest assholes of 2007 by Bill Maher




Republican Shenanigans


That Romney's a "Mittwit."  - Grant Gerver,





Click here for the political view from Racine, Wisconsin


Another Rich White Guy Wants To Be President


Buoyed by the still unsettled field, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is growing increasingly enchanted with the idea of an independent presidential bid, and his aides are aggressively laying the groundwork for him to run.


Rock-The-Voter News





Biz-Tech News





Bush-Prison-Torture News




Iowa Update


“The election of the next President of the United States should not be by the national media, it should be by Iowa,” an energetic Bill Richardson told a boisterous crowd of about 200 people in downtown Des Moines this afternoon...In a shot at Dick Cheney, Richardson promised that “my vice president will be a member of the executive branch.” He engaged in a call and response with the crowd at both the beginning and end of the speech, opening by asking, “Are we ready to take our country back?” The crowd responded: “Woo!”


Go-F***-Yourself News





Season's Greetings from All Hat No Cattle


Thank you for your support in 2007


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Odd News



Fireworks explode over the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House during a pyrotechnic show to celebrate the New Year January 1, 2008. Known for its choreographed and themed fireworks displays, the show draws hundreds of thousands of people to the harbour foreshore to watch the spectacle. This year's show was titled "The Time of Our Lives".
Photo/Tim Wimborne



Best Wishes for a Peaceful New Year.