TGIF/Weekend edition - January 25-27, 2007





Republicans debate economy, attack Clinton
Reuters - 1-24-08
BOCA RATON, Florida (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney and rival John McCain squabbled over the US economy but pounded Democrat..


Wolfowitz Returns to US Government as Adviser
New York Times, United States - 1-24-08
Paul D. Wolfowitz, who resigned as World Bank chief after serving as second-in-command at the Pentagon, has returned to the Bush

Bush and House in Accord for $150 Billion Stimulus
New York Times - 1-24-08
WASHINGTON - Hoping to give a quick adrenaline shot to the ailing economy, President Bush and House leaders struck a deal on Thursday for a $150 billion fiscal stimulus package, including rebates

Wolfowitz is back! Fresh, new scandals soon to come!


Bush, Cheney and their ne'er-do-wells made 935 false statements (also known as lies) in the run-up to the War. Bush claims it's only an impeachable offense if it were over 1000. - Grant Gerver,





The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News

Here Come The Judge


 A federal judge said Thursday that CIA interrogation videotapes may have been relevant to his court case, and he gave the Bush administration three weeks to explain why they were destroyed in 2005 and say whether other evidence was destroyed.





Bush Doesn't Know Jack About Art


George W. Bush is famous for his attachment to a painting which he acquired after becoming a “born again Christian.” It’s by W.H.D. Koerner and is entitled “A Charge to Keep.” Bush was so taken by it, that he took the painting’s name for his own official autobiography. And here’s what he says about it:

Disturbing News




 Meanwhile, Back In North Korea...


Nuclear-armed North Korea used UN-linked bank accounts to secretly transfer funds in connection with alleged weapons sales, a US Senate probe showed Thursday.



Someone should warn the "Decider" that a laxative is also considered a stimulus package. - Zing!






Republican Shenanigans News


"How about that Mitt Romney, huh? I mean, this guy looks like he'd be selling fruit dehydrators on cable. ... He looks like the guy who tells you how to buy real estate with no money down. ... He looks like a cosmetic surgeon who gets ambushed on '60 Minutes.' ... He looks like the photo that comes with the frame. ... By the way, if Mitt Romney is elected, he'll be the first president ever sworn in on a copy of GQ." --David Letterman


State of the Union Speech


 In a bow to political reality, President Bush's final State of the Union speech will skip bold proposals in favor of ones the country has heard before, a modest approach for a White House that prides itself on big ideas.





"It looks like Rudy Giuliani having a rough time in Florida. Man, I tell you, his early lead evaporated quicker than those wedding vows." --Jay Leno

Rock-The-Voter News

GPS Satellites


The United States should award an initial contract for the next generation of Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) and stop delaying the program for a laundry list of additional functions, a senior military official said on Thursday




Biz/Tech News

Imus Being Sued


Don Imus is being sued for more than $4 million by an advertiser on his former show who says the radio shock jock badmouthed the company and called its commercials for a book by the late President Gerald Ford "cheesy."




Bush-Prison-Torture News





Go-F**k-Yourself News


World Clock - Very Interesting World data



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NOTICE: I am having reoccurring laptop problems. Please be patient if there are any errors or omissions. I hope you all have a great weekend.



Odd News




An aerial view of the swimming pool at the resort of San Alfonso del Mar in Algarrobo city on the southern coast of Chile, some 100 km (62 miles) west of Santiago, January 21, 2008. Acknowledged by the Guinness World Records as the world's largest swimming pool, the lagoon measures 1,013 metres (3,323 ft)) in length, covers an area of eight hectares (20 acres), contains 250,000 cubic meters of water and is navigable in small boats.
Photo/Eliseo Fernandez


