Happy 2007!


Tuesday edition - January 2, 2007





Protests Continue Over Saddam’s Execution
KWTX, TX - 1-2-07
Demonstrators took to the streets of Dor near Samarra in Iraq on Monday to protest at the execution of the deposed president Saddam ...


Iraqi deaths hit record as Bush mulls changes
Reuters AlertNet - 1-2-07
By Alastair Macdonald. BAGHDAD, Jan 2 (Reuters) - The number of Iraqi civilians killed in political violence hit a record high in December, according figures compiled by Iraq's Interior Ministry.

Cheney hails Nixon pardon at Ford's funeral
Reuters.uk, UK - Dec 30, 2006
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US Vice President Dick Cheney hailed former US President Gerald Ford at a state funeral on Saturday for pardoning Richard Nixon, ...


My feeling is that Gerald Ford enabled the pardoning of the Iran-Contra war criminals and the future pardon(s) of George W. Bush.



If genetic engineering can eradicate mad cow disease, it certainly can eradicate "mad president's disease." - www.seriouskidding.com






The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News




Too stupid to be president or to build an accessible tornado shelter


U.S. President George W. Bush and his wife were moved into an armored vehicle on their ranch Friday after a tornado warning was issued for central Texas.

The vehicle
was driven to a tornado shelter located on the ranch, but George and Laura Bush never went inside, deputy White House press secretary Scott Stanzel said.




Isn't it a wee bit arrogant to be chauffeured to your tornado shelter in a armored vehicle? Does bush really believe an armored vehicle would protect him against a tornado?


We're #53!


New countries have moved ahead of some Western democracies in the fifth annual Reporters Without Borders Worldwide Press Freedom Index, issued today, while the most repressive countries are still the same ones...Meanwhile the steady erosion of press freedom in the United States, France and Japan is extremely alarming,” Reporters Without Borders said.


The ranking

1 Finland 0,50
- Iceland 0,50
- Ireland 0,50
- Netherlands 0,50
5 Czech Republic 0,75
6 Estonia 2,00
- Norway 2,00
8 Slovakia 2,50
- Switzerland 2,50
10 Hungary 3,00
- Latvia 3,00
- Portugal 3,00
- Slovenia 3,00
14 Belgium 4,00
- Sweden 4,00
16 Austria 4,50
- Bolivia 4,50
- Canada 4,50
19 Bosnia and Herzegovina 5,00
- Denmark 5,00
- New-Zealand 5,00
- Trinidad and Tobago 5,00
23 Benin 5,50
- Germany 5,50
- Jamaica 5,50
26 Namibia 6,00
27 Lithuania 6,50
- United Kingdom 6,50
29 Costa Rica 6,67
30 Cyprus 7,50
31 South Korea 7,75
32 Greece 8,00
- Mauritius 8,00
34 Ghana 8,50
35 Australia 9,00
- Bulgaria 9,00
- France 9,00
- Mali 9,00
39 Panama 9,50
40 Italy 9,90
41 El Salvador 10,00
- Spain 10,00
43 Taiwan 10,50
44 South Africa 11,25
45 Cape Verde 11,50
- Macedonia 11,50
- Mozambique 11,50
- Serbia and Montenegro 11,50
49 Chile 11,63
50 Israel 12,00
51 Japan 12,50
52 Dominican Republic 12,75
53 Botswana 13,00
- Croatia 13,00
- Tonga 13,00
- United States of America 13,00

Disturbing News


The IWR Year In Satire - 2006

Ford: The Edsel President



Gerald R. Ford leaves his beloved U.S. Capitol for the last time Tuesday as the period set aside for ordinary Americans to say goodbye gives way to an elaborate invitation-only funeral at the awe-inspiring Washington National Cathedral.







Iraqis hanged Saddam without any Americans present. Well then, they can just rule their own country without any Americans present, too.

- www.seriouskidding.com





By Don Davis






Republican Shenanigans


Junking the Junkets

The January junket to warmer climates, a post holiday tradition of sorts for some members of Congress, could be headed to the wayside. An accelerated work schedule set up by the new Democratic leadership has put a halt on many January excursions funded by lobbyists. Given that Democrats are taking over the House and Senate in part because of GOP ethics scandals, some lawmakers are fearful of the voters' wrath anyway if they go on the trips.






Rock-The-Voter News



NOW it's time to put the IMPEACHMENT NOOSE around our own dear President's neck. - www.seriouskidding.com



Ode To A Former Canadian Ice Shelf
By Madeleine Begun Kane

An ice shelf’s collapsed in the ocean.
Global warming’s far more than a notion
Dreamed up by Al Gore,
Though some wish to ignore
All the changes that greed’s set in motion.


Good News






Remember George W Bush's Failed Oil Company, Harken?


Harken Energy, a Texas-based oil company with close ties to U.S. President George W. Bush, had previously obtained rights to search for crude in Costa Rica. Before failing an environmental impact review in February 2002, it had planned to drill offshore. Now Harken is demanding that the Costa Rican government pay upwards of $12 million in reparations for its aborted exploits.

On March 11, Costa Rica announced that it would not accept a proposed out-of-court resolution to the dispute, delivering another blow to the bitter oil interest.

But that's not the last word on the subject.




Biz-Tech News

Gays Save Gerald Ford's Home


Growing up here some 85 years ago, Gerald R. Ford lived in six different homes. Tim England and Rob Kent bought one of them in 1991 for $63,500...The buyers, acquaintances of Messrs. England and Kent, offered to sell it to them after doing some repairs. Inspecting the house with a flashlight, the two men, who have been together for almost 20 years, saw that there was no ceiling in the dining room and the top floor was filled with birds. "It was pretty rank," recalls Mr. Kent, 46, who does sales for a specialty food store.





Bush-Prison-Torture News

Go-F***-Yourself News





Subject: Happy New Year Lisa


Thank you for six years of truth mixed with laughter. You have made my sour mood sparkle through out  all these years and you were sure right about BushInc. from the very start.


I sent you a $50 donation and my New Year's Resolution is to do the same each month this year, plus it's better than going on a diet cause I know I won't keep that resolution!


Best wishes in all you do.


Thanks so much Lisa.


I feel humbled, really I do.  Thank you so much. You all keep me going. My last fundraiser wasn't very good.

But I have faith the donations will return. (fingers crossed)


I am temporarily in Costa Rica now doing the groundwork for a clothing store my girlfriend (she has the brains) and I are going to open here.  Getting things accomplished here in Costa is about as fast as the phone modem I am using to produce this site! But the added income will help keep AHNC online.


Thanks to everyone for their Holiday Wishes and donations.



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Odd News




In this photo provided by the Kansas Highway Patrol a farm is shown covered with snow Monday, Jan. 1, 2007, near Tribune, Kan. Pilots in a dozen plans were sent up over the plains of Colorado and Kansas on Monday to look for any snowbound travelers following a blizzard that dumped nearly 3 feet of snow and piled it in drifts 15 feet high. (Photo/Kansas Highway Patrol)



