Thursday edition - January 18, 2007





Doomsday Clock ticks up 2 minutes, to 11:55
Chicago Tribune, IL - 1-18-07
 WASHINGTON -- The Doomsday Clock, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists' ticking nudge to the world's conscience, moved two minutes ...


Al-Maliki vows crackdown on all insurgents
Baltimore Sun -- 1-18-07

BAGHDAD, Iraq  -- Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki promised yesterday to crack down on Shiite Muslim militias and Sunni Arab rebels, warning that no one - not even his political ally, Muqtada al-Sadr - will be ...


After Rice's tour, Arabs are cool to Bush's Iraqi plan
USA Today - - 1-18-07
CAIRO (AP) — Arab leaders were deeply skeptical of the US plan for Iraq, a day after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tried to sell it to them. ...



It sure seems as though we are surging towards a nuclear mushroom cloud.



"Bush admitted to making mistakes in Iraq and said that he has learned from these mistakes and will do better in Iran. So -- I don't know."  - David Letterman"


The-World-Is-A-Safer-Place-Without-Saddam News



Yippee, The Doomsday Clock is on the march toward midnight! (You know, like freedom.) - Grant Gerver,


CEO of the Iraq War


"It (Iraq) is the kind of conflict that's going to drive our policy and our government for the next 20 or 30 or 40 years. We have to prevail and we have to have the stomach for the fight long term," - Dick Cheney on Jan.14, 2007in a FOX NEWS interview.


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"And in the interview President Bush said that popularity is not his goal. Popularity is not his goal. And I thought well, mission accomplished." - David Letterman


Disturbing News


Lobbyist Love


 As the Senate works on sweeping new ethics rules this week, Majority Leader Harry Reid and other leading Democrats are resisting changes that strike close to home.
A proposal by Sen. David Vitter, R-La., that would ban senators' spouses from lobbying the chamber has triggered intense debate with key senators such as Reid and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., promising to oppose it if it affects senators already married to lobbyists.




 "You know, there's actually ice on the ground here in Los Angeles? Ice. Man, people are slipping more than President Bush's approval rating." - Jay Leno


Republican Shenanigans



REALLY IMPORTANT NEWS: Attorney General Claims All Federal Judges Are Unqualified!!!


Attorney General Alberto Gonzales rapped federal judges Wednesday for ruling on cases that affect national security policy. Judges, he contended, are unqualified to decide terrorism issues that he said are best settled by Congress or the president.

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Bush Pacman game


My score was an abysmal 120.



David Letterman: "Top Ten Surprises In President Bush's '60 Minutes' Interview: 10. Interview was conducted in the Camp David hot tub. 9. President refused to talk about anything except Jennifer Hudson's performance in 'Dreamgirls.' 8. Announced his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election. 7. While walking through the woods, constantly ducking Cheney buckshot. 6. Vowed in the future he'll make much better mistakes. 5. All the Heineken empties. 4. Paused for a CIA briefing about likely Golden Globe winners. 3. His Andy Rooney-esque rant about hard-to-open ketchup packets. 2. Bush's tearful admission he bet entire United States budget on the Chargers. 1. Just like Britney -- no underpants."





Rock-The-Voter News



Attorney General Has Decided


The Bush administration said Wednesday that it has agreed to disband a controversial warrantless surveillance program run by the National Security Agency, replacing it with a new effort that will be overseen by the secret court that governs spying in the United States.

The change -- revealed by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in a letter Wednesday to the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee -- marks an abrupt reversal by the administration, which for more than a year has aggressively defended the legality of the NSA surveillance program and disputed court authority to oversee it.



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Another Bush Miracle: Afgoneistan  - Grant Gerver,




Biz-Tech News




Senator Al Franken?


Comedian Al Franken has reached out to Democratic lawmakers from Minnesota in recent days, seeking advice on a possible Senate run against Republican Sen. Norm Coleman .


Bush-Prison-Torture News

I'm Sorry Because I Didn't Mean What I Said


A senior Pentagon official publicly apologized Wednesday for criticizing lawyers who represent terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and for suggesting their firms be boycotted.

Charles "Cully" Stimson, deputy assistant secretary of defense for detainee affairs, said his criticism of the lawyers on a local radio program last week did not reflect his "core beliefs."




Go-F***-Yourself News



"Hey, the New Orleans Saints...beat the Philadelphia Eagles 27-24 on Saturday. And once again, New Orleans did it without any help from FEMA. How about that?" - Jay Leno



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Odd News




The Pappagallo winds have been fierce here in Costa Rica the past week.  I estimate up to 50-60 mph gusts.

The top photo is from my balcony looking west at the Pacific. The other photo is looking south. The palms are bending as far as they can. The good news is that I am producing the site now via high speed sat connection - the bad news is it gets knocked off signal with these incredible winds. At least I was able to produce a new edition today! Photos/AHNC


